We had lots of fun at the taste of Nevis party yesterday. They had a bunch of booths set up and you bought tickets and bought food from the booths with the tickets. Kind of like the Seafood Festival at Hampton Beach. Most of the resorts were there and lots of local restaurants. You could also win prizes in a raffle but we didn't win anything. These pictures are of Julian participating in a game on the beach with a bunch of the other kids. The kids had to take turns running down to the ocean and filling the bottle with water and bringing it back up to the bucket and dumping it in. Sounds easy but the bottles had holes punched in them so you had to go really fast before the water seeped out. The other team won but they all had fun anyway. I was surprised to find that there were mostly ex-pats at this thing and not many locals at all. The money raised was used to benefit ARF which is the Animal Rescue Foundation (much needed here on Nevis for neglected pets). They had a huge turnout. We ate some good food and then Julian and his friend Ian played in the water for a couple of hours. Julian had a great day! He's making more friends now and enjoying himself more here which is great for us all. Today is Sunday which is always a lazy day for us. Julian is watching cartoons on Boomerang. Johnny Quest. It is weird to see all these old cartoons from when I was little still on tv. Jaime is studying for his tests tomorrow (Black Monday). He has been in the books all week and weekend. I have been running and swimming and biking my little heart out for the triathlon which is only 6 days away!

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