Another day marked off the calendar. Tonight we were invited over to Cache's house for dinner. That was fun. Her Mom is living with her for a while and she is very entertaining and interesting. She traveled around the world for 8 years by sailboat and it is fun to hear her talk about her experiences. We saw some amazing pictures too. We had chicken enchiladas with rice and corn. And red wine which I am a big fan of. For dessert we had pralines made from scratch which were awesome. Very good dinner and fun company. Cache is one of the few that we have remained close with from the original pre-med group. It is weird how people can change in a matter of months. A lot of people I wouldn't want to hang out with anymore and another handful have left for different reasons. Cache remains the same as when we met her which is the way we like her. She's a lot of fun. Julian kept up his end of the conversation for a while and then he just got tired and fell asleep. And that is it. Tomorrow Jaime is going lobster hunting with Ben so maybe we'll have a fine dinner to talk about tomorrow. Ta-ta.

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