Sunday's here again. Yesterday it rained all day long. Downpours. Everynight for the past year we have religiously rolled up our windows in our Jeep. Even the last two months where we have gotten no rain at all. Except for Friday night when the rain started. Our car got SOAKED! Inside and out. The canvas top is now so saturated that when you go over a bump the water falls down on you. Kind of like a rain fly on a tent. Once it's saturated if you touch it, it starts to come through. in paradise! Yeah right! So yesterday we had to go to town to run some errands in the rain. We rented 5 movies. I liked Wimbledon and Walking Tall. Jaime watched The Chronicles of Riddick and I started to watch Sideways but with Julian in the room it wasn't a good idea. He already latched onto the "F" bomb once and I don't really want to give him anymore fuel for his fire. The last few days have been pretty un-eventful and rather boring. We had a day by the pool one day where we did some swimming and played some tennis. Another day we went to Winward Beach. As we were pulling up there was an older couple there and the man was walking out of the water and Emily exclaimed, "Oh, nasty, that old guy has on a Speedo!" Of course I looked and it was not attractive. It brought me back to my days at J&J Sportswear watching the Canadian men try on their Speedos and modeling them in front of the mirror. These are not men who should be wearing anything but full long pants and a long sleeved shirt. So then the rest of our group gets there and Spencer really exclaims, "OH MY GOSH, THAT GUY'S NAKED!!!" Of course everyone looks, especially me because I was going to tell him he wasn't naked but had on a Speedo that you could barely see but when I turned around he was standing right there in front of everyone wiping himself off with his towel, with NOTHING on but a smile. We ALL saw it. It was so funny. He didn't even try to hide behind the car! They soon left and another group showed up. Now, Winward is usually a deserted beach. It is way out by the race track and it's not an easy ride. By the time we left there were 3 other parties there and we passed another one on our way out. It was fun. We all played in the water and got tossed by the waves. The night before that we went to the Gallipot with the LaPray's. We were happily surprised when Joel (Brian's father) paid for our meal for us. How nice that was of him. We had a great meal and all the kids were on their best behavior including Julian. I had a perfectly prepared Black Angus Sirloin that you could cut with a fork. They do a great job there. And that pretty much sums it up until now. Today the clouds are thinning out but so far the sun is still undercover. The rain has stopped for the time being but my laundry is in my room drying in front of the fan just in case the sky decides to open up once again. Tomorrow, Jaime, Brian and Janet and I are going to St. Maarten for a couple of days. I am very excited. Carolyn and Joel offered to watch Julian and we gave him the choice and he decided to stay with them. He has been hoping for a sleepover since we got here. He was hoping for a week over there but we told him a couple of days would be good. We are planning on watching a few movies, having some good food and doing some shopping over there. Should be fun. That's it for now. Ta-ta

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