Here we are playing a little shuffleboard. Julian liked to pretend he was the "little huckie" as he called the little puck things. We had a blast playing that game. That is Andrea, Jaime, Julian and Chris in the picture. We had a couple of great days over there. It was a lot of fun being there with friends. Chris' fiancee, Andrea, had flown in on Thursday after a one night detour in Puerto Rico due to Montseratt ashing away. She took us out to dinner the night she got to Nevis which we thought was really nice. I gave her an island tour on Friday so she got to see all the exciting sights of Nevis like the grocery stores, downtown, some of the resorts, the race track and Windward Beach. Then we cooled off at the pool and waited for the guys to get out of class. Andrea was feeling the need for some exercise so I picked her up for a run on Saturday morning. Our stay at the Marriott was such a blast. Andrea and I became fast friends and had a good time hanging by the pool and and enjoying happy hour. Which is...just one hour. It was sad to see her go and we hope to run into her again sometime. Our little very mini vacation was short but sweet and we knew the end was coming but it was so good while it lasted.

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