Easter in Nevis. The Easter Bunny found us here in Nevis this morning. Julian went on an Easter egg hunt in the morning before the ants got his jelly beans. He found money in some of his eggs! He also got an Easter goody bucket full of cool stuff. We are waiting on our french toast casserole to cool and then we will have it with our blueberry muffins. Then Jaime will go back to the library to study all day and night for his tests on Monday and Tuesday. Then we have 2 1/2 weeks before the end of the semester. After that Jaime will start Med 2 and we'll be a little closer to the end of life in Nevis. When the semester begins I will start shopping airfare for our trip back in August and when I find a good flight I will beging my countdown. Later today Julian and I are going to go to the horse races. Should be fun. I just wish I could find someone to go with us. It would be more fun that way. It will be interesting either way I'm sure. It's a three day weekend and here in Nevis that means that the locals will be getting a little crazy even if it is a Sunday and Easter too!

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