Here we are with the rest of the MUA gang after the triathlon was completed...Jaime and I are way in the back. In front is Stacey, Ani? and Jill, behind them are three girls I don't know and Adam and Steve. We had a great day although I don't know what our times were because we didn't look at the clock as we ran through so we're waiting on the results postings. It was a hot, hot day here in Nevis. I'm not even sure of the temp but it was steamy. The swim was really long and I those buoys looked like mirages waaaaay over there. It was hard to get started with all those bodies in the water kicking and slapping water at you. I was afraid I would get kicked so I tread water for a few seconds to let the masses get out ahead. But then I was afraid I was last, not daring to look back, and around the first buoy I passed a girl and felt better about it. I am told I was one of the first 20 out of the water. Then I had to get through transition without my bucket of water that I forgot! So I got my feet pretty clean and shoed, dressed in some shorts and helmet, and ran my bike to the spot where I could get on. The bike went pretty good being passed by a few people on road bikes. Some were obviously doing the olympic. I guzzled a bunch of water along the way but the water seemed to settle in my throat so when I tried to eat my snacks they settled there too so I decided to do without. I eventually felt better and drank more water and more gatorade to keep myself hydrated. After the bike was over I started running on rubber legs. I felt good until I got to the Four Seasons turnaround point. There I needed water bad and they didn't have any. I needed to pour it over me. There was a guy with ice so I took some of that to munch on and stuff down my bra. As I rounded the bend a woman pulled up with some water so I took some of that and dumped 3/4 of it over me to cool myself down. I slowed a little on the way back but my friends on the mp3, Ozzy, Bare Naked Ladies, a little Bob Dylan and Elvis and some disco kept me pumping along. On the last stretch I got some speed going and got over the finish line listening to Titans Spirit (a musical score from Remember the Titans). Winston was shaking hands with everyone and handing out medals. It was a fun day and I am so glad I did it. Pretty proud of myself!

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