Mardi Gras

Well Mardi Gras 2009 came and went. It started out with the Little Rascals parade which was a huge dud and we were worried when we caught only a few beads. Then near the end of the parade there was a sign on one of the floats that said "Due to the economy, we are throwing less beads" or something to that effect. It worried us. Julian and I went to a parade the following weekend in Houma and found that they were VERY generous with their throws. Julian and I walked away from the parade with two bags full of SHWAG! We were excited and had the FEVER. We knew that the Morrisons were going to be at a parade in Metairie that night to watch Jacquelyn march, so I decided to take a trip up there to join them. Jim had his boss's kids with them. They are each a bit older and a bit younger than Julian so I knew it would make it fun for him. That parade is wehre most of these pics are taken. All but the one with me in the hat. As I was trying desperately to get throws, Jim was easily getting them all with no effort. I told the boys that he must have some code word that he uses to get good beads. I told Jim also and he said its all about the eye contact. So I tried it and the first thing I got...was the garter. I laughed so hard. I told Jen the title of that photo is "eye contact." After that I ended up with lots of good beads. It was so much fun!
The following week I ended up with a nasty cold that Jaime brought back from Shreveport with him. He got sick first and then I got it. Julian has so far been unscathed by it. I wanted to badly to join the Morrisons in their frolicing but just knew I shouldn't push it. By Saturday I was feeling much better and I decided to join them in the city for the Baccus parade. I had researched the parades and Baccus was one that I really wanted to go to. Their theme was creatures. They have all kinds of floats with creature themes. Witches, ghouls, monsters, cyclops', dinosaurs, etc. They also have King and Queen Kong and Baby Kong floats which you are supposed to throw beads back at. It is really funny. Anyway, I decided to go to that parade. At the last minute Julian got a better offer and went to his friend Michael's house. Jaime doesn't like Mardi Gras, plus he was studying so he stayed behind. I went down to N.O. by myself and fought for a parking spot in the city. I ended up parking 12 or so blocks away from our meeting place. Thank god for cell phones because I never would have found them otherwise. I was waiting in front of the wrong school! I was on the wrong corner. I only had to go a few hundred feet to the other school but there were thousands of people. Jen said, "oh we just set up in the median." I told her there was no setting up in the median because it was chuck full of people. Once I found them, they had a great spot and the parade started soon after that. It was lots of fun. I was glad Julian wasn't there. Too many people to keep track of him. I think it would have made him nervous too! But we had fun! Jacquelyn and Jacin were there and Jim and Jen and Jim's friends that came down for "the holiday." We got lots of good beads and had a great time! That was my last parade of the season. The pic of me in the hat was taken near the beginning of that parade. Good times.......
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