Julian's birthday...

Julian's 11th birthday has come and gone. His celebration began two days before his birthday with a lobster dinner that my parents hosted. Lobster is Julian's favorite meal and my parents were going up north to allow for a fun birthday sleepover celebration. Before they left they gave Julian their present from them. A Nintendo DSi, which is a really cool handheld computer and game thingy. He loved that! The sleepover ended up as a trip to Water Country instead with his two best friends Tim and Walker. The Thursday night before his birthday, Tim ended up sleeping over to allow his parents a night out at the Casino to see Little Feat. The boys were very quiet that night and got to bed early as I had made them promise they would because we had to get up early for Water Counrty. More about that in another post. After Water Country Julian finished opening up his presents. He got a Leatherman pocket knife, which he was just dying for, some triathlon gear, two dsi games, and a Bionicle. His great uncle Ronnie gave him a new watch and Uncle Jer and Tammy and Cooper gave him a fishing pole, and the McCowns gave him a DSI gift card and a book. Oh, and he got Apples to Apples Jr from the DeMarcos. I hope I didn't leave anything out!
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