Haunted Overload

Today I brought Julian and his friend Tim over to the Coppal Farm to view the Haunted Overload. Haunted Overload was started by Eric Lowther at his home in Exeter. A couple of years ago his haunt outgrew his property and he moved it over to the Coppal Farm in Lee, NH. This is the most impressive Halloween displays that I have ever seen. During the day people are allowed to walk through the display without the full effect to get an idea of whether or not they can handle the real deal. At night they have fog machines, scary lighting, live monsters jumping out and of course no Halloween haunt would be complete without the scary sound effects. We are hoping to go over next weekend for the scary walk through. Anyone in the seacoast area should make a trip over to see this impressive display. Others can view virtually at www.hauntedoverload.com
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