Tonight is the night before Julian and I fly out for the rest of the summer. We are both very excited! Julian is sooooo excited to see Grammy Jane. We had some friend stop over tonight to say goodbye. They will be transferring to another school so we might not see them ever again. It is kind of sad because they were a really fun bunch of guys. Their names are Chris, Rian, Bombay-aka Chief Guju, and Dan-aka The Mexican. Now Jaime will be the lone Mexican once again. Haha. Chris, Rian and Dan have all been accepted into St. Matthews which is a school based out of Grand Cayman which has an affiliation in Portland Maine. Good luck to them, we'll miss them a lot. On another note, Julian and I are packed and ready to go. We have some last minute stuff to do in the morning like saying goodbye to Spencer LaPray who might not be here when we get back. His parents have been trying to decide whether or not it is a good idea to send him back to the U.S. to live with his grandparents, to get back into public school. I have a feeling he will be gone when we get back so we will go over and say goodbye tomorrow just in case. And then we have to also say goodbye to our friend's The Adrian's. Dusty, Michaila and Nolan will be leaving Nevis to go back to school. All of them...the kids will go to class and Dusty is a teacher so she will go back to teaching high school...history I believe. So good luck to them also. We'll miss them a lot too. They have been a lot of fun for us this summer. And then we will pick Jaime up at 11:00 after his morning class and we'll pick up our luggage and then he will drop us at the curb and send us on our way. Our flight leaves at 1:50. Our plans for the U.S. so far are...Friday afternoon-Stratham Fair. Saturday-Camp and Attitash Alpine Slide. Sunday-Molly's Birthday Party. And that is it so far. We have lots of potential plans that will be ironed out once we get there. So those in Nevis, ta-ta for now and those in the U.S. we'll see you soon!

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