Julian's dinosaur project and Fireflies!

Julian finished the dinosaur diorama that he has been working on for the last few weeks. He did a great job and is very proud of his creation. He started out researching dinosaurs and writing info on index cards. Then we found pictures and put them on cards. We painted up a box and decorated it and put all the dinosaurs and their info inside the box. It is really cool! Our next unit will be on habitats which I know he will enjoy too.
Another cool thing that happened this weekend is that he caught a couple of fireflies!!! All by himself. He was outside running for t.v. and it was dusk which is his favorite time to play outside. Probably because it is cooler out there at that time. I was in the shower and he came running in with his bug catcher box. He was all excited and told me that he caught some fireflies. I couldn't believe it! I can remember doing that when I was little. It was so exciting. We have a lot of fireflies here. Lots of bats at that time of day too. They swoop right down in our yard and whiz up the roof line. It's cool to see how fast they go and watch them dipping and flying back up catching all those mosquitos I hope! Our weather was better this weekend. Not ideal but at least we got some sun today. Yesterday afternoon was ok but the early part of the day was rainy and overcast. We had a barbecue to go to for one of the families that is leaving. The wife and kids are going back to the U.S. so she can get a job and make some money to help out with the finances. She's going to be living with the in-laws. The party was fun. Lots of yummy food which is always good. So, right now I'm watching the Olympics. So far Bode Miller has not performed to my expectations. Haha. He is on my favorite list. I'm not sure what else he is in for these olympics but he didn't win the downhill or even get a medal. Shawn White got a gold and he was one of my faves. He's a snowboarer. They call him "The Flying Tomato" because of his red hair. Michelle Kwan has dropped out which is really too bad. And Jeremy Bloom is my other favorite. He'll be running moguls. He's from Colorado and he's...let's just say...easy on the eyes. Haha.
I never saw any fireflys or Bats on Nevis, but saw a heck of a lot of mosquitos! Great Dino work Julian! Keep up the studies and you can be an MD like your Dad some day!
drdubg, at 9:26 AM
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