Today we hiked up Mount Nevis. It was Julian's first time up and he was NOT the last in the group to make it to the top. Our trip rounded out at a little more than 6 hours which is a long hike. It normally doesn't take that long but Jim Johnson always hikes at the pace of the slowest climber so we all kind of stuck together. Julian and Jaime were at the front

of the pack and if they had wanted to they could have made it up a lot quicker. It was a fun group of people. One of the guys who hiked with us had a sister who attended Phillips Exeter. Another interesting note is that Jim Johnson has a son, Patrick, who is very smart. There is a man here on Nevis who is very wealthy and gets a kick out of talking with Patrick about chemistry and stuff. So he is offering to pay for Patrick to attend Phillips Exeter. The man is an alumnus of the school. One of the things he has to do as part of the criteria for his acceptance is to have an interview with someone who has graduated in the past 10 years. It is supposed to be an in person interview but he is pretty sure that they will bend on this and allow a telephone interview since the guy is willing to donate a million dollars to the school. So if anyone knows a person who has graduated in the past 10 years let me know. I know Laura Waleryszak has but I'm not sure where in the world she is now. So it's a small world! Anyway, I am hungry and have lots of leftovers from last night so I'm going to go eat.
Dani, this is Laura... I see that you wrote the above a couple of years ago but, when I did a google search of myself, it startled me to see my name come up in a blog! Haha. Anyway, hope you are well and by the way, I am living in Chicago now. :)
-Laura Waleryszak
Unknown, at 7:27 PM
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