I recently received a letter in the mail from the managers of our storage facility down here in Houma. Now, just imagine how I sound when I say Houma. This is how you should say it if you don't like it...in a low, husky, slow voice...kind of like a retarded person might say it. Sorry, maybe that's mean but...well, the people who know me will understand. Anyway, the storage people wrote a letter that said "due to the rise in gasoline prices they are raising their fees." Does this make sense? A little background on my storage facility. This facility consists of a a few metal buildings inside a big cage on the corner of Polk and 311 down here in Houma--did you say it right? It is not air conditioned, heated or lit up in any way. It is the most basic storage facility you will ever find which is why we chose it--because it is also the cheapest we could find. All we have in there is leftover "stuff", empty luggage that we have no place in the apartment to store, and a big box of kitty litter that we're told will soak up the up and coming sauna-like conditions of the glorious south. So hopefully all y'all out there in the big, wide world north of the bayou swamp that I live in are justified in getting a raise due to the gasoline price hike. After all you need to get to work done-cha? And I wonder what will happen when the gas prices go down--will we get another letter, will the raises be taken away???
Maybe as oil prices drop, your lease payments will drop too ... NOT. Hope you guys are enjoying the wonderful southern temps.
John L
JohnL, at 8:48 PM
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