Summer Vacation 2008 - The Cousins

Julian and I have been in NH for the past couple of weeks. Our first week was spent catching up with family and friends. We went to CT to visit Tracey for the July 4th weekend where we spent two nights. The first day we caught up and went to see Get Smart which we all enjoyed. The second day we went over to Tracey's friend Kristal's house for a BBQ. We pretty much spent all day and evening there where we ate a lot and toasted marshmallows over a bon fire after the sun went down. We had a great time visiting and catching up with Tracey and her family. Tracey is expecting a baby in a couple of weeks so it was nice to chat with her and see her prego as can be.
On week 2 I enrolled Julian in a summer camp program here in Kensington. There is a new park which was built on some land that was donated to the town, by a family, to build a park. The park is beautiful; it has a basketball court, baseball field, walking trails in the woods, a playground, and a pavillion. The weather was perfect every day and Julian had a great time catching up with all of his old friends from school. His friend Tim was also enrolled which made it fun for him. In that first week Julian spent a lot of time with Tim. Also in that first week Jen, Jacquelyn, and Jacin arrived amidst a trio of turmoil. As they were leaving New Orleans they had a problem getting Jacin's ticket printed. They arrived in time at the airport with 2 hours to get checked in and to their gate. Two hours should be way than more than enough time at that airport which is not very big. It took so long to get that glitch settled that by the time they went through security they only had 10 minutes to get to their gate and board their plane. As they were going through security they pulled Jacin aside and wanded and frisked him. They told my sister not to touch his things as she is trying to explain that they are going to miss their plane. The woman was not sympathetic and retorted that they should have gotten there earlier. She tried to explain that they had arrived with plenty of time but had a problem checking in which is not her fault. The woman was still not sympathetic but they were able to go and made their gate in time to get on the plane. Once they arrived in Boston they were missing a bag. It had missed the connection in Chicago and would be along on the next flight an hour later. I was picking them up so I parked the car and we all headed in so they could use the vouchers they were given to eat. We went to Dunkin Donuts first but as they were filling our order they informed us that the vouchers were not good at that establishment. We asked a state cop where we could use them and he said they should be good anywhere but D&D in the airport. We went over so the kids could eat some chinese food. At this point Jacquelyn noticed that her cell phone was missing. We backtracked all over the aiprort and did not find the phone. She filled out a missing item report at the State police office but has not heard anything yet. We did not have high hopes on finding it anyway. After all that time the luggage was finally there and we made the trip out of Logan airport back home. That night Jacquelyn noticed that something had burst open in her luggage and leaked all over her clothes. Many items were brand new and she was very upset but handled it very well. Reeo sprayed and washed her clothes and got all the stains out of them. This was the end of Jacquelyn's awful day.
So far the trip has been action packed and fun. We have had two parties, been to camp, Water Country, visited Great Grammy, been to the beach, been to Salisbury Beach, eaten out, eaten in, drank good coffee, played cards, and laughed a lot! In the pictures we have the cousins (Julian, Brennan and Molly, Jacquelyn and McCarthy, Lucas and Seth, and Jacin), Jacquelyn and Cooper, Jacin and Brennan, Molly, and Seth.
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