Day One - Lena's and Stratham Fair

Friday morning we got up early as the sun came up and hung around talking for a while. My sister Jen and her two kids Jacquelyn and Jacin are staying here too until they leave on Wednesday to go back to Louisiana. We all went to lunch at Lena's the ladies favorite lunch spot in Salisbury. They have really good seafood there. The ladies, my mother, Aunt Linda, my grandmother and Aunt Muny (Grammy's sister) and my Uncle go there a lot. Twice a week to be exact. So we hung out there for a while and got caught up and ate some fried clams and lobster rolls.
Friday night we all piled into the car and headed over to the Stratham Fair. We met my other sister Julie and her husband Sean and their two kids Molly and Brennan. Brennan has grown a ton since I saw him last and he is a bundle of energy. My brother Jeremy and his girlfriend Tammy also met us there with their little son Cooper. He is so cute! He was only 6 weeks old the last time I was home so it was so fun to see him all alert and smiling and having fun. The kids went on tons of rides and we ate lots of fair food. Even Jeremy joined in on the ride fun. Julian and Jeremy did some gambling and they both won a prize. Of course you know how it goes with fair gambling. They have all the good prizes hanging down to entice you in to play the games and then you win and you get some cheesy prize. So Julian got some little purple stuffed animal. He was not happy about it but I told him we would come back and try again and then we could trade up for a better prize. When we came back he won again and got a big long stuffed snake. He was happy about that. The game he was playing was the one where you have a little catapult that you put a frog on and you whack the thing with a rubber mallet and the frog goes flying into the air. Then if it falls onto one of the rotating lily pads you win a prize. He did good!
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