Molly's Birthday Party

On Sunday night we all were invited to Molly's 8th birthday party. This was the family party. The kids were all having a blast inside and out playing in Molly's playhouse and in her play room. When we arrived it started to drizzle a little bit so we brought the party inside. Julie made some really good dips. The one I loved the most was a carmelized onion dip. It was so good. She also made some hummus that was yummy too. Sean was manning the grill and the smoker making sure his meats were properly cooked. He had 3 pounds of meat per person! So we ate well. Another big bonus was the red beans and rice. Sean has the recipe from Walt Disney and it is the best I have ever had. I was really looking forward to that and I was NOT disappointed. The food was yummy. Cooper decided that Julian was an ok kid and he crawled around on the floor snuggling with Julian. It was really cute. Brennan was walking from room to room terrorizing whatever came in his path. Not really, he is an energetic kid but he seems to listen pretty well for an 18 month old. He is very happy and always on the go. He was down for a nap when we got there and through dinner so Julie and Sean could get things served and eaten. When he got up he came out and warmed up to everyone and started going around and greeting people as only he can do. "I hi, gammy" and he would hug grammy. "I hi Jacquelyn" and he would hug Jacquelyn. He is so cute and happy and lovable. Molly had a great time at her party as she sat in her queen chair and opened her presents. Julian felt leftout because he wasn't opening any presents so he was sulking around for a while but it didn't take him long to get back into a happy mood once the cupcakes were served. Molly got a lot of really cool things for her birthday and so that wrapped up our day three in NH.
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