Time Capsule

On day two we went up to my parents camp in Albany NH. It is a little house on Lake Iona in northern NH. It's a lot of fun up there. Jen and her two kids, Julian and I, my mother, my nephew Lucas and my niece Molly all came up. Every summer my mother usually takes the kids over 4 up for a little camp time on her own but this year we made it a family affair. Lucky for her because the kids are at interesting stages in their lives. They try to form these little cliques that make one from the other side mad because they decide they want to play with the others and then they won't let them. You know how it goes. All in all we had a great time. We packed a lot of stuff into our 24 hours up north. We got there in the mid morning and the kids played outside. Some in the water and some on the hammock or running around in the woods. It was a little bit cool and shady on shore so the big people tried to huddle in the little rays of sun peeking through the trees. Jen went over to Subway and got us some subs for lunch and after that we took off for mini golf. We discussed which place we were going to go to before we left and of course the kids were not really paying attention so as we passed the one they really wanted to go to they all piped up and started criticizing OUR decision. We sort of...you know...ignored them and continued on to our destination. The kids had a good time playing their 18 rounds of golf and then we had a couple of hours before we were to go to dinner. We went over to the playground in North Conway and the kids all got out and started acting like it was the first big playground they had ever been on. Yelling and running over the the things they wanted to play on. They all began on ONE seesaw. There was enough equipment for them all to play on something but they all crowded on the seesaw. It was fun until one of them hurt themselves. By the time we left all of them had banged or scraped or skinned some part of their body. We figured at that point it was time to go before we got a real injury. We headed over to Flatbread Pizza for dinner. It is a yummy brick oven pizza restaurant which serves only organic foods. It was pretty hot in there with the oven going but the place was very quiet at the time of our arrival. We ate a special buffalo chicken pizza and a plain pizza called Jay's Heart and an herb and cheese with sliced tomatoes. Then we went over to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream.
Before we took off into town we had opened up a time capsule that four of the kids had buried 5 years earlier. There was a map to find the spot where it was buried so the kids had to follow the map and dig it up. They found the container and as we were walking back we noticed that it was dripping water. Water had gotten in and sogged everything up. We were able to unroll the little write-ups about the kids and dry them out and read them. It was fun to see the differences in the kids between then and now.
After dinner we went home and the kids watched Liar Liar on t.v. Then we all finally went to bed. Lucas woke up in the morning not feeling good so my mother left early to take him home. The rest of us got showered and packed up and left the camp in the mid morning. We returned Heathers car that we had borrowed and found that Luke was feeling much better which was a relief to Jacquelyn who was going to walk home if he had thrown up in the car. My mother had left her car at Heathers for us to use to get home. Then we went home to get ready for Molly's birthday party in the afternoon. We were all excited and hungry because we had stopped by to drop off Molly and Sean was at the smoker tending to his ribs and they were looking REAL GOOD. There were a lot of them too and we were instructed to not eat anything before we come over.
Hi DeeDee! This is Jacquelyn. It's cool to see the difference in two people's accounts of what we did. I hope you guys have a great visit in the time you have left!
The 4 Jays, at 7:41 AM
Thanks Jacquelyn, glad you like it. I keep trying to update what we have done but I've been so busy. We went boating with Jer yesterday. Tubing...what a blast!
Dani, at 8:39 AM
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