The Story of Hurricane Katrina and the Morrison Family - Chapter 1
My sister and her family have been uprooted and are hiding out in Little Rock Arkansas. They normally live in Mandeville LA and at the moment they are awaiting news on the condition of their house. They left Sunday after boarding up and sand bagging their house. They picked up my brother-in-law, Jim's, mother and then stopped off at the nursing home where his father is living and got him too. They drove north to Little Rock which was far enough north to safely escape the weather. As most of you know the New Orleans area and towns surrounding Lake Pontchartrain, which would include Mandeville, are pretty much flooded. There is some question as to whether their area is underwater. Jim left Little Rock this morning to try to get into their area and check on things. We are not sure at this point what kind of progress, if any, he has made. The cell phone lines are all bottlenecked down there so it is difficult to get in touch with people. We are hearing that people will not be let into the area for over a month. If you are interested you can check out their progress or lack thereof on their blog . The blog is written in the perspective of my niece Jacquelyn who is 14 years old. She does a great job with her blog and she has told her Dad that she needs to have access to the computer to update the blog "for the family." So far she has updated what she can and we'll just have to keep watching for more info. So that is what is going on in the life of the Morrisons.
Hi DeeDee. Yes, we are stil waiting on information on the house, and yes, Dad IS letting me use his computer. Thank God. I finally have something to do.
The 4 Jays, at 7:16 AM
Danielle, I hope your sister and her family are okay...we are thinking about them a lot....we are sad that Labor Day is coming so fast, but plan on having fun at the concert. Tell Julian and Jamie "HI" from all of us...miss you!
Dr. Dusti, at 7:08 PM
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