Halloween at Oualie Beach

Tonight we went to the annual Halloween party at Oualie Beach Resort. It is a party for kids with a kid geared buffet and trick-or-treat. They also have a costume contest and the people in the bar vote on the costumes. I have a picture below in one of my other posts of a fire breathing dragon and he won first prize this year! Way to go. There was a headless man which was pretty cool and a werewolf that was ok. Poor Andrew LaPray wanted to win so bad. He was a kissing booth. Very clever. I think he should have won over one of the other costumes but that's just my opinion. Another cool thing that happened today is that I found a really big pumpkin to carve. I was so excited about that! So we brought it with us to the party for our trick-or-treat decoration. By the way the costume I had on was a jelly fish. I only had so much bubble wrap so it didn't look as cool as the picture I was going by but at least I bad something. But the wind was blowing and my tentacles kept either getting stuck in the tape on the top of the umbrella or wrapping around peoples necks and strangling them. So I thought, rather than make enemies I'll just put it away. They also had activities for the kids and a treat auction. You will see my treats in another post. They were definitely the coolest ones.
Nice pumpkin! Is that Nevis grown or imported? McKenzie had a great halloween and I stayed at home and gave out candy. I wrapped gauze around our dog, Pepper, and told all the kids that we found her with her heart cut out! One kid says, "will it grow back?"
drdubg, at 8:20 AM
OK, that severed finger thing is disgusting! They look too real girlie. Way too real!
Sounds like you had fun though...I hear it is wet and nasty again. Hurrican season is ALMOST over...hopefully better beach weather soon!
Dr. Dusti, at 7:49 PM
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