Party number one

Last night we went to our first Halloween party at the Schnabels house. It was a lot of fun.
For some of the kids it was their first Halloween party ever and they did a great job of coming up with costumes on short notice and in a place where you can't buy them. A couple of the kids did not dress up but that was ok too. We had chili, cornbread, cole slaw, pasta salad, bean soup, pumpkin soup, cake and doughnuts. There was just enough food to go around and not much leftover which is always good. In the group picture some of the kids didn't have their entire costume on because it was kind of a spur of the moment picture. After dinner the kids all trick-or-treated outside. Not as fun as at home where you go door to door but they went person to person and got their treats. It took them all of about 5 minutes to get through the crowd and come back for seconds. And there isn't a lot of individual candies available here on the island so variety was minimal. But they still had fun which is the important thing. So you can see Julian up there in his Bionicle costume and the other picture is of Christion Schnabel in his dragon costume. It was very creative of his mom and dad to take the time to cut out and paint all of that. Very impressive. It's funny becuase I was browsing on a site of halloween costumes and saw that one on Family Fun Magazine site and quickly passed it by knowing it would be quite the chore. I was actually looking for something for myself knowing that Julian had his heart set on being a Bionicle but in reality I am not that creative but wish I was. I can remember my costumes when I was a kid. My mother made all of our costumes and she had 5 kids! We never had the store bought costumes. I secretly wanted to get one of the store bought ones over at The Globe Department Store because they all came neatly packaged in a little box with a cellophane top and I thought they were so cool. But when Beggars Night came around I was always so proud of my costumes. I can remember being a ghost, a mouse, a bunny and there are lots of others. They were full costumes from top to bottom made out of fabric with zippers and snaps and tails made with wire inside. They were really awesome. Every year we got to pick out something new and didn't have to recycle or hand down our costumes unless we wanted to. What a great Mom I have! She also made our prom dresses and later some of our wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses for an entire wedding party!
cornbread and chili and cole slaw, oh my! Sounds like you guys had fun! There are some local costumes there on Nevis. Remember the huge celebration last summer and the parade? Happy Halloween y'all.
drdubg, at 11:34 AM
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