'Round Nevis Run

Today was the first annual 'Round Nevis Run. The Round Nevis Run is...just what it says...a run around Nevis. Completely...around Nevis. The run started at 6:00am this morning from Oualie Beach and ended at Oualie Beach Starting at 8:21am. That's right. The 1st place finisher took 2 hours and 21 minutes to run just under 20 miles. There are some major hills on this route too. Jaime finished in 3 hours and 4 minutes. An amazing time for someone who has been...his words...sitting on his a** for weeks! He has not trained at all and did that well. He was undecided about even entering until the day before. I had volunteered to be a water support vehicle. Now this is not as easy as it sounds. We TRIED to keep ahead of the runners to set up water stops. There were 4 vehicles assisting 17 runners. Sounds pretty simple right? Well the lead runner was a few minutes ahead of the rest from the start and then there was a pack of 3 behind him. These guys were FAST! After my second stop I was told that the front men needed some GU (energy gel) and that I was the only one with some left so I should go to the front. They also told me that they were way far away and had to "drive like Hell" to reach them. So I drove, and I drove and I drove and got half way around the island before I found them. I assisted them and from then on out I was going back and forth from front to back trying to keep people hydrated and fueled. There were a few people who kept getting stuck in holes in the support system. A couple of women had to go into a store to buy water! I wasn't proud of that but it was not an easy task to support these poor people. And they were all good sports in dealing with us novice race supporters. All in all it was a good day. There were a few that had to drop out due to cramping but at least they quit before they got dehydrated and sick. Everyone was healthy at the finish which is what we wanted. I wish I had done it but I still have several months to do it on my own if I want. Of course running with a race group is way more fun but it's still something I would like to do.
And then tonight my new friend Heidi colored and cut my hair and I have not looked so bouncy since last summer! Even my cut from the Marriott was not as good as this. I'm...Lllllovin' it!
Hey, a 'novice' supporter is better than no support at all right? You have turned into a Nevis national treasure haven't you? Hurry back, the US needs good folk like you guys! Heck, you may be better off staying away!
drdubg, at 9:05 AM
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