Our homeschooling days...are OVER!
We went to an open house at the Lyn Jeffers Primary School, which is a private school here in Nevis, tonight. We have been toying with the idea of putting Julian in school especially since we are going to be here for 4 more months. We decided to check out the school which just finished it's first year of primary. The school has been in existence for some years before that teaching only secondary school. So anyway, we wanted to find out who would be teaching 3rd grade and to find out about scholarships etc. So we found out that there would be a new teacher for the 3rd grade class. A veteran teacher with some 30 years experience who they say is very good. They have been trying to get her all year. She's a local lady and hopefully she will do ok. One really good thing is that the school is going to create individual education plans for every student in the school. He will have Dr. Marybeth Ellison for his science teacher!!! We love her. She is actually also Jaime's teacher right now! Julian has met her several times and loves to talk to her. She is the one who told him about her experience sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. She is very interesting and smart. Well obviously...she's a doctor and went to Yale! The best thing about the night is that they had a raffle for free tuition and guess who won! WE DID!!! I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked. The funniest thing is that there were so many people there who I know from horse back riding and triathlons and the beach and they all know about my homeschool woes and were so happy that we won. They thought we really deserved it. So lucky us!!!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, looks like Julian will be wearing those little khaki pants and yellow polos now! And YOU will have time to take classes for youself!
Dr. Dusti, at 9:27 AM
Good for Julian. We home-schooled my daughter for her second term of 5th grade and it was a lot of work! But, she was ahead when she got to 6th grade in Oakland. You guys too "uppity" now to stay in touch with an ol' prof? Later gater!
drdubg, at 8:20 AM
Wow, That is great! You get a semester off to yourself also. Julian will have a great time. I am sorry that we will miss you on this trip.
The 4 Jays, at 1:17 PM
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