The perverted not what you think!
I had a big lizard in my tub the other night. It wasn't really huge but the biggest one I've seen in the house so far. It was about 4-5 inches long. It was having trouble getting out of the tub. His little feet weren't sticking. I called Julian to come help me because he likes to catch the things and.....I DON'T! So he was trying to get him and he climbed up his arm and onto his bathing suit that he had on. I shook his bathing suit to see if it would fall off. Then all of a sudden it disappeared. The things are so fast I figured it must have escaped somehow. Just in case I told him to pull down his pants to see if it was in there. We didn't see it so he went about his business. He was on the computer for about an hour when he stood up and pointed to where the lizards tail was lying squirming on the floor. He was laughing and I was grossed out! I said "Are you sure he's not in your pants?" And we were both laughing. He pulled them down again and we still didn't see anything. So at this point it was time for bed so I told him to go get his pj's on and brush his teeth. All of a sudden he started jumping around and acting all crazy (not unusual for Julian so I didn't thing anything of it). Then he stopped, looked at me and said real quitely and serious "He just came out, he's on the floor". I got up and he was sitting down there probably scared to death! I said "CATCH IT!" And started cracking up. We were both laughing so hard and he finally caught the poor thing sans tail and put it outside. He said that the lizards payback was that he had to sit in there with the stench of his bum. GROSS! Hahahahahahahaha. I'm still laughing just thinking about it.
On another note...they had a trail ride at horseback riding yesterday and on the way back they spotted a tiny baby sea turtle finding his way down to the water. He struggled a bit and got tossed by the waves as he entered but they watched him until they knew he was in there away from the birds. How cool is that?!
Julian had his end of term exams this week. He got a 93 on lang. arts, 92 in math, 76 on ss which is probably because it's all new material and I helped him study everything in his notes which he knew but there was other material that we didn't study about the other caribbean islands. He still passed which was good. He got a 83 on Spanish, a 100 on literature and his science test has not been graded yet. His teacher said he was done in no time and did all the extra credit as well. I'm sure he did great on it. So basically he now has a week left of school and they will probably not be doing much. They will finish getting ready for their Christmas show next Thursday where they are singing and dancing. It should be really funny. They are also going to the nursing home one day next week to sing to the people there. Then on Friday we are on the freedom bird!
On another note...they had a trail ride at horseback riding yesterday and on the way back they spotted a tiny baby sea turtle finding his way down to the water. He struggled a bit and got tossed by the waves as he entered but they watched him until they knew he was in there away from the birds. How cool is that?!
Julian had his end of term exams this week. He got a 93 on lang. arts, 92 in math, 76 on ss which is probably because it's all new material and I helped him study everything in his notes which he knew but there was other material that we didn't study about the other caribbean islands. He still passed which was good. He got a 83 on Spanish, a 100 on literature and his science test has not been graded yet. His teacher said he was done in no time and did all the extra credit as well. I'm sure he did great on it. So basically he now has a week left of school and they will probably not be doing much. They will finish getting ready for their Christmas show next Thursday where they are singing and dancing. It should be really funny. They are also going to the nursing home one day next week to sing to the people there. Then on Friday we are on the freedom bird!
LOL!!!! Stinky lizard!!!! See you guys soon!
Dr. Dusti, at 11:03 AM
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