A Nip From a Nip
A Nip From A Nip
By Danielle Moreno
Thelma Barlow was a gal
Who had a heart so big
That one day a valve busted out
They replaced it with a pig
The piggy didn’t need it
For he had flown the coop
They took part of the piggys heart
Then used the rest for soup
But then a strange thing happened
Some nipples did appear
But she already had enough
And so she thought it queer
Now what could make a woman
Grow nipples on her chest
Unless the piggy wasn’t a pig
But a cow’d been laid to rest
The doc he did inform her
The fib that had been told
A cow, a pig, a mechanical valve
Or one that’s made of gold.
Well did it really matter
The fabric of her mend
The cow it was his family pet
So that he did defend
With ninety years beneath her belt
Quite clever she’s become
She used her new appendages
When milked they gave out rum
So Thelly she’s a travelin’ bar
Serves rum & Coke & shots
Now I think it is quite a gas
And what are you’re thoughts?
very very funny! A poet and I didn't know it! That bodes well for you that you grandmother is doing so well at 90. Most cases like this, folks at this age would be too weak to be a candidate for valve replacement. We are just now talking about vavles in APII.
My best to Jamie and Julian.
drdubg, at 8:06 AM
LMAO!!!!!!!! Are you sure you aren't Shel Silverstein's sister????
Glad to her your Granma is doing well. Rum and Coke Hahahahahahah
Dr. Dusti, at 4:38 PM
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