Stratham Fair

We have been lucky? to have only missed the Stratham Fair one year in the last 8 or so years. Lucky us??? Not sure if that's luck...or...something else... Anyway, I was supposed to meet Mariann and her crew there and Missy and her family, and then I had invited the Eaton's to go too, but then Julian's other friend called to have him sleep over. Since I knew it was the last night he would be able to sleep at this particular friend's house I decided to invite him to the fair. Then I got thinking that I would bring Tim along too. Somehow I roped Cindy (Tim's mom) into going with us. I don't think it was exactly what she had wanted to spend her night doing but I was SOOO glad she came with me. It made it a lot more fun for me. She is a lot of fun to hang around with. I got a bonus when Julian became friends with Tim because his Mom is cool too! So we went to the fair and ate french fries and pizza and the boys got to play games and throw their money away at the carnies. The carnies at this fair are your typical lot. Trying to pull a fast one so you don't win the crappy toys they offer. At one point as Julian won the balloon water gun game he got up off his stool and ran full out across the field and back in excitement. He is so weird! I wonder where he gets that?!!! As we were leaving the fair there were some free balloon animals that the boys just had to stop and get. After all they were free. Well this enormous religious lady was making them and she was trying to dispense some godly words to the boys but I think it was wasted. The boys just wanted the free stuff. Once we left I dropped off Cindy and Tim and then left Julian at Walker's for the night. Walker is a hunter and he has a stuffed deer head facing his top bunk. Julian slept up there while the thing watched over him all night. The next day Walker's dad took all three of his kids plus Julian and Tim out to MA for a ride on his boat. They were gone all day and when they returned Tim asked Julian to sleep over his house since it was the last night he could before we left. So off he went again. I had spent the day in Missy's pool and that was the night we went out for a quick drink and then headed over to Jessie's to visit with Mariann and her group. After that our trip was pretty much over. We had one more full day that we spent doing some last minute tax-free school shopping, hit the beach for an hour and then headed home before Jer and family and grammy and Peter came to visit. Then it was off to the airport the next day.