Latitude 17N

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here are a few pictures of Julian from our snowboarding trip on Monday. We went with the McCowns to Cranmore Mountain in North Conway, NH. It was a perfect day for skiing. It was like a spring ski day...which is perfect for me! The day set my cold back a few days from recovering but it was worth it. Julian is a great snowboarder and I learned that I am NOT a great snowboarder. I am still sore from that day...I am sore in places that I didn't know I could be sore! It was fun though. The McCowns had a great day too. Brennan and Molly had lessons and Julie and Sean skied alone and with Julian and I.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Misc pictures for Jaime

Here are some up-to-date pictures of Julian. I have not been updating my blog lately as you can see but I will try to be better at doing that. Now that I have figured out how to download pictures from my camera to my mother's old computer, it should be easier for me to post updates. Will write more on another day because I have laundry and other stuff to do tonight.