And finally into Holladay, UT...

So on Saturday we started the last leg of the trip. We left Mariann's around 9 and got some coffee and breakfast before heading up to I-80. We decided to go the northern route to bypass some of the great Rockies. It was a smart choice. We went up into Fort Collins and then headed over the northern mountains. Pulling a trailer put a lot of stress on the car so we had to go a little slower but it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. We stopped for lunch at Subway and used the last of our gift cards--thanks Mom!--and finished up our trip around 5 or 6. Our apartment is ok. The great thing about it is that it is in a nice neighborhood and the owner is on site most days of the week because they are remodeling the units. He is a nice guy and cares about the place so it is cared for but kind of old and outdated. We can walk to a lot of things. Julian's school is within a half mile and across the street from the library where he can go after school if he wants or needs to. Before you get there, we have a drug store, corner market called 'The Store too' which is a little higher priced but has great produce. I decided to shop at Walmart for most things but I will be buying my produce from that store. It is all very fresh. There is a pizza shop and Chinese restaurant and several other little eateries. There are some other little shops there and within another half mile of Julian's school we have a movie theater and several other shops and a McDonalds with an outdoor Redbox! Another half mile down the street there is a really nice big fitness center that we will join later on once I find a job. The scenery here is beautiful. We are literally surrounded by mountains. Yesterday on our travels we saw a big moose on the side of the highway. That was really cool to see. Jaime took us to the farmers market which is amazing...full of crafts and food and produce. Next order of business is finding a job. I have applied to 11 positions so far and have several more on my list before scouring the ads again for more. Keep your fingers crossed!