Latitude 17N

Monday, May 01, 2006

Church Ground "10K"

Today we ran the Nevis Church Ground 10K. It is really more than that I am told but I'm not sure exactly how long. It started out at the Church Ground area and winded around a bunch of back roads until finally you ended up in the sports field in town. It started out at 8:30 which was a little late for a long run but it ended up being a nice run. It was almost like someone ordered up a cloud for the event. The sky was blue all around but there was one cloud that acted almost like a shroud around the sun and kept the heat down. I was on my game today. My run was the best I have ever had. I really don't know about my pace because I don't know the exact mileage but I felt really good running and didn't feel like I was going too slow. I was 24th overall but don't know how many people ran either. I just don't know much now do I? We couldn't stick around for any awards ceremonies because we needed to pick up Julian from our friends house and get ready for a little get together at the pool. All in all it was a great race.

3rd Eye Blind is on the island and is all set up over at Mount Nevis Hotel to play. We hung out at the Conways house tonight hoping they would start so we could sneak down there and see them but we waited until almost 9:00 before we finally came home. I guess they are here with DirecTV who is targeting Nevis as a potential market. We'll see if that happens. So, that's the excitement on Nevis these days. School for Jaime starts on Wednesday. Tomorrow is orientation but he doesn't need to be involved in that so it's another day off for him. For Julian and I it is the first day back to school since my family came to visit. Not too much longer til summer though! I don't have any pictures to post because I have either lost or misplaced my camera.


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