Sea Urchins, Capes and Banana Flowers

Here are some interesting pictures...first we've got sea urchins at Nisbett Beach. These ones are pretty small compared to some that I have seen deeper out in the ocean. Don't step on them because they're really sharp! Yesterday we had to go out to pick up our consolation prizes from our "10k" run the other day. Our friends, the chiropractors, Miranda, Knox and Edris, picked them up for us because Jaime was going to be going to the chiropractor on Tuesday so they thought he could just pick them up then. He wasn't able to go so I had to go get them. I happened to be going out to the library in that area that day so I figured it would be easy to swing by and pick them up. I was with a new person in our SOS group, Rebecca. She must have thought I was crazy driving way out into the woods on a double track road in bad need of repair. But we finally got to the place. They have a huge piece of property and lots of fruit trees etc. Julian found a flower from a banana tree. You can see how underneath each pedal there is a small bunch of tiny bananas that would have grown. You have to pop off the flower in order for the bananas underneath to grow. Very interesting. We sat and talked with Knox for a while. He was born and raised in the Bahamas and met Miranda, his wife, at chiropractic school in Atlanta. I asked him if he thought they would stay here forever and he said no that he would like to go back to the Bahamas. He informed me that there are over 700 islands that make up the Bahamas! Some of them are populated only by pirates and drug traffikers. And last but not least there is a picture of Julian in his new cape. Our friend Holly, her guilt of leaving us for 6 weeks last semester getting the best of her, made a cape for Julian. She is quite a clever girl!
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