Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Morning
Christmas Morning. Julian had a good Christmas even though his Dad was not there to enjoy it with us. He got an art cart complete with art supplies, a book to teach him how to draw 3-D, and a drawing journal that he can keep forever. Santa gave him the Bionicle set he has wanted for a long time, he got some Legos and a Plasma Dragon which comes in a shell with a oozie type inner shell that the whole thing hangs from somehow. This is a new thing for him that he discovered through his friend Walker. He also got a new bathrobe and slippers and some books and a portable DVD player to replace the one that disappeared. Now we are sitting by the fire and vegging out until it is time to go to the movies. We're going to go see The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep.

Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve at the Bernier House
As is tradition the family gathered tonight, Christmas Eve, at my parent's house for a party. The following pictures are from that gathering. Dani and Julian in front of the Christmas Tree, Julian with Grammy Jane and Papa John, Attack on Lucas, McCarthy looking very cute in her Christmas outfit, Julian and Brennan playing with the toy that he got from McCarthy this year. It is like a Transformer Rock 'em Sock 'em set. It's pretty neat, Brennan with his fancy new sweater, The kings, Queens and/or Jesters after ripping open the poppers, Julian with his crown, and Rob holding Seth. Lots of food was eaten and lots of wood thrown on the fire. Another successful Christmas Eve!

As is tradition the family gathered tonight, Christmas Eve, at my parent's house. The following pictures are from that gathering.

As is tradition the family gathered tonight, Christmas Eve, at my parent's house. The following pictures are from that gathering.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Its piling up!

The snow is piling up around here! We had another storm yesterday that dumped more snow on us. We have about two feet out there now. Its piling up on the roof and everywhere else. Yesterday we had to have a couple of guys come over and chip the ice off the roof of our porch which was leaking all over the floor. This is a four season porch with a nice finished ceiling so it was not a good thing. Our roof now has a snow angel compliments of Bryan, one of the guys that works for my Dad. He's going to start a service for people. Haha. Julian had another day off from school yesterday due to the snow so we took a snow shoeing tour through the woods. It was very peaceful out there. We saw a lot of deer and rabbit tracks. There were also a bunch of holes in the snow where little critters must be hanging out to escape the weather. Other than that we baked and played games all day. Today is Julian's last day of school for the year! He is very excited. His teacher promised them a day of fun so hopefully he will come home with lots of stories.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Tree

Here is our Christmas Tree for 2007. My father picked it out all by his little self and did a great job. It's a great tree! This afternoon after the dreaded homework was complete we decorated the tree. Julian got a little American Flag from his performance in the Christmas concert last night. He hung it on the tree and gave us a little patriotic pose in front of the tree.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Its been a while...

Its been a while since my last post so hopefully people will still come back and look. Our fall has been busy with Jaime studying for the USMLE Step I. He is currently down in NJ with a prep program down there. He'll be taking the test soon. Julian entered 4th grade and was on the cross country team. He did very well in cross country finishing his last one mile race in 7:41. Now we are getting ready for the holidays. Julian and his cousin Molly made gingerbread houses and decorated them. We also had our first snowfall which Julian was thrilled about. They had no school on Monday which allowed him to go out and play for a while in his favorite precipitation. I finished my assoc degree program and have been trying to get ready for Christmas.